HVAC Maintenance

Las vegas hvac maintenance

Your house is your castle, and should be firing on all cylinders!

We’ve compiled a short list of tips to help you save money, and live warmer this winter.

  1. Do a self Audit. You know your system and home better than anyone. Compare your heating costs to the past years and do a self audit. Sometimes certain winters are colder than others and sometimes you need to replace insulation or sealing in certain spots of your home. If you think you’ve been using the same amount of heating but your energy bill has gone up it might be time to upgrade your heating system.
  2. Regularly replace your furnace and air filters. Check every few months and if it appears dirty, it is a good idea to replace it! These filters constantly work to filter out dust, pollen, pet dander, hair, and other pollutants that can be harmful to your families health.
    1. A good rule of thumb is to change standard fiberglass filters every 30 days and replace pleated filters every 90 days.
    2. You should be able to see the filter material itself, if not then it has filled its job and needs a relief!
    3. Other replacement factors can range from how often you use your ventilation and furnace or if you have pets, you may need to change closer to every 6-8 weeks.
    4. Asthma or young children. You want your air quality at its best at all times, but it is especially important for family members with young children or asthma having clean indoor air is vital.
  3. Double check your air ducts each winter. Another big thing this fall and winter is making sure your ducts are clean! With all of this rain and moisture, dust and mold can buildup inside your ducts polluting the air inside your home causing allergic reactions and poor health conditions. If you notice excessive buildup, or god forbid vermin inside your ducts, they should be addressed ASAP. Give us a shout if you want your free evaluation where one of our guys can come and take a look just to be safe!

Once your ducts no longer look anything like the system above and we have properly scrubbed and cleaned them, we will spray an anti-microbial disinfectant that will not only reduce dust in your home but also promote a cleaner and healthier environment for you and your family.

Clean filters help lessen the strain on your system and will save you time and money!

Know how your thermostat works internally.

Jacking up the thermostat won’t heat the house faster.

Lets say it’s the middle of winter and you come home from work to find the thermostat has been turned down and it’s freezing inside. Impatient to get the house back up to temp quickly, you jack up the heat. 

Unfortunately this has only increased the length of time your furnace will run. It heats at the same pace. Pretty soon you’ll end up turning it back down, which means that your temp was too high and you’ve needlessly increased your heating bill.

If you have any questions and you’re in the Summerlin, Henderson, or Las Vegas area please don’t hesitate to visit our appointment generator at https://bestservicenearme.com/summerlinhvac/ or give us a call today at (702)-829-4280!

We pride ourselves on providing the best air conditioning and heating business that we can!

Invest in preventative maintenance!

Air conditioning and heating repair can be expensive, and this is why we stress preventative maintenance above all. It is important to keep an eye out because when winter hits, and then summer, nothing can be more devastating to your house than being frigid cold or boiling hot.

Our guys are on call 24/7 for your needs. Because when it matters you need to be able to have your AC repaired as soon as physically possible. Don’t hesitate to call us at (702) 829-4280!!

Routine and professional maintenance on average of once a year can make all the difference.

Studies have shown that when an air conditioning unit is professionally inspected and maintained every year, it will retain up to 95% of its efficiency throughout its life. One that doesn’t, will on average lose 5% efficiency each year.

Even if your system is currently running great it’s still a good idea to invest in yearly ac system maintenance.

Its like the dentist, except instead of your yearly tooth checkup its your air conditioning and heating system 😉

Keep that 95% efficiency going! Preventative measures are the best way to save your money, time, and effort in the long run.

When you need air conditioning repair, everyone knows it can be expensive. We at Summerlin HVAC want to shoot it to you straight, and make your experience as painfree as possible.

Reach out to us before the heat wave hits this spring!

If you live in Summerlin, Henderson and Las Vegas give us a call or sign up here for our email list- we will keep you up to date with all sorts of ac system maintenance and repair tips!

Air conditioning systems run longer and harder in Summerlin and Las Vegas than almost anywhere else in the country. Which is why we are offering a FREE evaluation of your system to get you prepared for the January 2020 EPA legislature update.

As stated above, if your system uses R-22 refrigerant, come January it will be illegal to import or manufacture it in the U.S. With the limited supply we still have, your system can still be used but it is important to stay on top of the R-22 phase-out and know your options for the future.

Every homeowner should have a good idea on how long their current air conditioning and heating systems will be able to last before replacement.

Don’t hesitate to let us know if you want a free system evaluation. We will come out to anywhere near Summerlin, Vegas, or Henderson and give it to you straight up.

Call us now! (702) 829-4280